Friday 31 May 2013

If you ask me, the best restaurants in downtown Toronto  always seems to pop up overnight. Not literally of course, but out of nowhere they are the talk of the town. One of the biggest trends right now are Japanese ramen restaurants, I am not surprised a trendy restaurant like Kinton Ramen gets rave reviews for it delicious meaty broth paired with is chewy al dente Japanese ramen noodles. When I say it’s meaty, I mean melts in your mouth smooth and full of flavor kind of meaty. I hope the ramen trend is here to stay.

Daisuke (May 2012) 1 1

Kinton Ramen isn’t the first ramen shop to come to Toronto, but in my opinion it is the best and most authentic ramen shop available locally. It is just as successful as its sister restaurant the famous Guu Izakaya, which is notorious for their extremely welcoming staff that loudly greets every customer as they arrive and as they leave. Kinton Ramen adopted the same greetings and atmosphere that always brings customers back. In case you have already tried it another ramen shop I would recommend would be Sansotei. 

Now tell me out of all the trendy restaurants Toronto, what is your favorite?

   1.  Daisuke(May 2012). Retrieved from: